Thursday, April 13, 2006

JazzMoon - An Open Source Drum Machine

i'm no drummer. the truth is, i'm no guitarist really either, but i fake that a lot better. i've been searching forever to find a drum machine that fit all my needs: free, easy to customize, easy to navigate, with a user-friendly GUI. the closest i've ever come to finding one is the hammerhead rhythm station, but since my skills are somewhere just below that of a slightly deranged chimp with seizures, i've been looking for something even easier.

hammerhead is great for making click tracks and electronic beats, but i want something to create full length drum tracks taht sound and feel a little more organic. thus, my concept. JazzMoon. an open source drum machine. it would have to be open source for two reasons: one, i love the concept of open source software and want to support it in any way i can, and two, i have no programming knowledge whatsoever. none. not even a little bit.

i just started working on a graphic of the basic gui for JazzMoon that gets the general idea across. i haven't finished it yet, but this is it so far:


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